MEDITATION: Given, Found, and Opened

"I was impressed by God that in the total darkness of the closet I was now free to enjoy the Source of Light."

Read Matthew 7: 7-8

Instead of emphasizing the "ask, seek, and knock" exhortations from Jesus in this passage, consider entering a time of prayerful contemplation and emphasize instead the reality of things being "given, found, and opened".

In my prayer time this morning I contemplated the meaning of things being given, found, and opened to me. It soon lead me to hear God's voice say, "Stand Up". I did and as a result noticed a reflection of light on my shirt. My meditation time this morning was spent in my clothes closet (this was admittedly new for me). I had the lights off and just enough room to kneel comfortably. When I sensed that I should stand up and continue to pray, I noticed that there was a unique pattern of light on my chest. The light was being reflected off of a mirror in the closet. I could not figure out exactly where the light was coming from so, before moving further, I took the opportunity to ask God to teach me something, "God are you trying to teach me something... I am open." Next, I instinctively used my hand to try and "trace" where the light was coming from by moving my hand in relation to the light closer and closer to the mirror. Once I got to the mirror I moved my hand away from the mirror, following the light in an upward direction. It turns out the light was coming through a very small crack in the seal on top of the door.

As I sat there, open to God's voice, I heard him tell me clearly that, in my seeking him, I was looking for mirrors instead of the source of light itself. Tears started forming in my eyes as I felt the presence of God gently opening my understanding to what this meant. I see the light coming from the "mirror" - the functions and forms that God uses to show his light - but the mirror is not the source of light, it merely reflects light. Do I want to live from the source of light? Or am I content to attach myself to the "mirrors" that merely reflect that source?

I caved in. My face in my hands, I repented to God and let him know how grateful I was for his Words. As I confirmed my desire for union with the SOURCE, with God himself, the little reflection of light that began my whole inquiry suddenly, as if on cue, was gone. The reality is, the light in the other room was simply turned off by my wife. But the fact that it happened when it did was certainly meaningful to me... I was impressed by God that in the total darkness of the closet I was now free to enjoy the Source of Light.

And then the direction and insight I needed needed were given, found, and opened for me.
Matthew Armstrong